Fun games for children
Would you like your children to stop watching cartoons and playing with tablets or mobile phones for a short while and do some physical activity?
Fun games for children
Children love to have fun and games, so if you plan to organize an entertainment for your children, you must be prepared in advance so that they have a good time. In the following article, we have introduced you to a variety of fun games for children.
Fun games for children
15 games ideas for children's outdoor play
Would you like your children to stop watching cartoons and playing with tablets or mobile phones for a short while and do some physical activity? and if you have Question Like How to stop mobile addiction in children ?
If your answer is yes to this question, here are Tips for parents to combat mobile addiction in kids, Effective strategies to limit screen time in children, Best games and activities for reducing mobile addiction, Encouraging offline engagement in children
join us. We want to talk about fun ideas for children to play outdoors that will make them more active. Ideas that will take away the boredom and boredom of staying at home and help them make friends and find new friends. Screen-free alternatives for children's entertainment.
1. Throw the bag in the hole
The first fun idea we introduce for children to play outdoors is tossing a bag into a hole. To play this game,
You need :
1. Sloping board with a medium hole on it
2. Plan Card Board with Hole in
Take the help of unused wood (or strong cardboard) and tilt it with a stand. You can even use a small basket instead of the incline board.
Fill some small plastic bags with raisins, beans or anything else you like and give them to the kids or use a small tennis ball. The one who can throw the bag in the hole is the winner of the game. The loser will also help you set the table.
2. Lei Lei :
In the alley or yard, draw lilly squares with chalk and keep the kids entertained for a while.
3. Limbo game :
You need a fairly long stick to play this game. Two people hold the stick and the rest of the children try to pass under the stick by bending themselves.
Keep lowering the stick until one of the children wins the game. If you have the possibility, you can install the wood somewhere like in the picture.
4. Game chair
To play this game, you need some chairs to gather the children together outdoors. The number of seats should be one grain less than the number of children.
With the music playing, the children should go around the chairs and when the music stops, all sit on the chairs. Whoever does not get a seat will leave the game.
Leave snacks, sweets or a small prize for the loser so that he does not get upset.
5. Crossing obstacles
You can challenge children with this fun game. Make obstacles in the yard with large plastic hoops and other things you can find with your creativity and ask your children to jump through them. Whoever reaches the end point faster is the winner.
6. Go and take
With the help of this game, you can help strengthen children's problem-solving skills. To play the game,
you need a few different tools: spoons, markers, and whatever is at hand.
Divide the children into two groups depending on the number (if there are two, two single groups) and give them a list containing the names of the desired items. You must have set them in advance so that children can look for them. It is better to give them some clues. The group that finds all the items first wins the game. Consider a prize for the winner.
7. Different sports
If your child shows interest in sports, let him engage in that particular activity with his friends in the yard or in the alley. Just get
two small soccer goals or portable basketball hoops. Or, for example, install a short net for volleyball.
8. Follow each other
The good thing about this fun idea is that it doesn't require any special equipment. Children follow each other and the only rule is that the person following the other must try to hit him gently with his hand.
Then the place of the pursuer is changed with the pursued. Children can play this game outdoors to get bored.
9. Tug of war
This game is familiar to everyone. Gather the neighborhood kids and entertain them with this game. If the number of children is small, there is no problem and you can still play.
10. Playing with a water gun
This is a fun game for hot summer days. Give some water guns to the kids and ask them to spray water on each other. They cool themselves and some water reaches the trees in the yard.
11. capture the flag
Capture the Flag is a fun strategy game that is more suitable for older age groups. To play this game, you need two flags and two groups with the desired number of people. Each group chooses an area as a base and places the flag there.
The other group members must try to capture the flag and take it to their own base. You can tie a piece of cloth to a wooden base to make a flag.
12. Hide and seek
It is also possible to play this fun game with three people. Of course, the more crowded groups, for example 12 people, makes the game more exciting.
Just try to set a range for the kids to play so it won't be too hard to find those who have gone missing.
13. Horse
Use this fun and interesting idea to improve kids' basketball skills. Each child must repeat the previous person's throw.
If he cannot throw like him, he is given the first letter of the word "horse". The same process continues and whoever gets three horse letters first, loses.
You can use any word you think is appropriate instead of "horse".
14. Shoot the can
This game is exactly the same as Qaim Rocket, with the only difference that instead of running, they have to run towards the can and shoot it.
15. Passing the ball
This is another fun and great idea for kids to play outdoors. You just have to give your children a ball.
In this way, they gather together in the alley or yard and pass the soccer ball together. Don't forget to warn them to watch out for cars if they choose the alley to play.
For More Update on Mobile Addiction in Children, We have Many tips Engaging children in offline activities: a cure for mobile addiction, Reducing mobile dependency and the power of play and fun games activity, Educational Games. Stay Connected with Us for More Update
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